Smartphone Camera vs Camera Camera

Smartphone Camera vs Camera Camera

There are a lot of comparisons between the latest smartphone cameras and high-end professional photography gear. When you look at what the iPhone and Pixel are doing with computational photography to get shallow depth of field or better low-light photography it is pretty amazing. I have watched the comparison videos and seen the photos side-by-side […]

The Importance of Gear

The Importance of Gear

In photography circles, there is a lot of emphasis put on photography gear. Photographers love to talk about gear. A loose interpretation of Moore’s law states that the amount of processing a chip can do basically doubles every 18-24 months. With that, camera manufactures seem to release a camera update on the same schedule. This […]

Film or Digital

Film or Digital

Do I prefer film vs digital? I don’t think I can answer that question. I like them both for different reasons. Digital is immediate. I can take a picture and correct as I  go. At the end of the shoot I can load all of the files on my computer and cull and start editing […]

Take it or Make it

Take it or Make it

Taking a picture vs making a picture When I was growing up, I had always heard the term “taking pictures.” Whenever I would pick up a camera it was with the intent to “take” a picture. When I started researching photography and gear I started to see and hear some photographers reference “making” pictures. This […]