Shooting Expired Film

Shooting Expired Film

I was recently going through some old storage items and I came across a roll of Fujifilm Reala 100. This is a film that was discontinued by Fuji back in 2012. Apparently, this roll of film that I had come across was from my early days of film photography because this roll had expired in […]

Film or Digital

Film or Digital

Do I prefer film vs digital? I don’t think I can answer that question. I like them both for different reasons. Digital is immediate. I can take a picture and correct as I  go. At the end of the shoot I can load all of the files on my computer and cull and start editing […]

Velvia or Velvia?

Velvia or Velvia?

I stopped shooting film about 15 years ago because of the ease and convenience of digital. Back then, digital wasn’t anywhere near the quality of film, but a number of manufactures were releasing cameras with some good glass so you could get some decent results. The first digital camera that I bought was a Canon […]