Smartphone Camera vs Camera Camera

Smartphone Camera vs Camera Camera

There are a lot of comparisons between the latest smartphone cameras and high-end professional photography gear. When you look at what the iPhone and Pixel are doing with computational photography to get shallow depth of field or better low-light photography it is pretty amazing. I have watched the comparison videos and seen the photos side-by-side […]

The Importance of Gear

The Importance of Gear

In photography circles, there is a lot of emphasis put on photography gear. Photographers love to talk about gear. A loose interpretation of Moore’s law states that the amount of processing a chip can do basically doubles every 18-24 months. With that, camera manufactures seem to release a camera update on the same schedule. This […]

Shooting Expired Film

Shooting Expired Film

I was recently going through some old storage items and I came across a roll of Fujifilm Reala 100. This is a film that was discontinued by Fuji back in 2012. Apparently, this roll of film that I had come across was from my early days of film photography because this roll had expired in […]

Film or Digital

Film or Digital

Do I prefer film vs digital? I don’t think I can answer that question. I like them both for different reasons. Digital is immediate. I can take a picture and correct as I  go. At the end of the shoot I can load all of the files on my computer and cull and start editing […]

Shooting Bands

Shooting Bands

Shooting bands in dark nightclubs can be a challenge. You have to work with a dynamic group that is moving around a dark stage while trying to get the right angle for an interesting composition and try to stay out of the way so you aren’t an annoyance to the audience. You have to strike […]

Contax Sticky Mirror

Contax Sticky Mirror

A while back, I broke out my old Contax ST from a long hiatus from shooting film, dusted it off, changed out the batteries and prepped it to run a roll of film through it. I clicked my trusty 50mm f1.7 Zeiss lens on and turned it on to tested the shutter. I got a […]

Sony DSC-RX100 III – Review

Sony DSC-RX100 III – Review

Sony’s RX100 line is a great line of point and shoot cameras. I was really big into photography about 10 years ago and then got too busy with trying to come to terms with corporate life to keep up with with shooting. That, coupled with having an iPhone with me all the time making it […]

Take it or Make it

Take it or Make it

Taking a picture vs making a picture When I was growing up, I had always heard the term “taking pictures.” Whenever I would pick up a camera it was with the intent to “take” a picture. When I started researching photography and gear I started to see and hear some photographers reference “making” pictures. This […]

Velvia or Velvia?

Velvia or Velvia?

I stopped shooting film about 15 years ago because of the ease and convenience of digital. Back then, digital wasn’t anywhere near the quality of film, but a number of manufactures were releasing cameras with some good glass so you could get some decent results. The first digital camera that I bought was a Canon […]